【讣闻】曲师Akira Complex去世
在万分沉痛之际,请允许我们告知大家:我们的好朋友,以及我们徽标上的一员,Akira Complex,已经不在世上。我们深知,作为一名影响甚广,为世界各地听众所爱的音乐人,A.C.本人十分珍视每一位愿以“粉丝”自名的听众。
为了纪念他在世间留下的余音,我们会持续维护A.C.先前投稿的音乐资源,因此产生的所有收益将被无偿捐赠给特雷弗计划(The Trevor Project),包括一笔预定于七月正式捐出的最终善款。
It pains us to inform everyone that our dear friend and member of the label, Akira Complex, is no longer with us. As a musician their work made an impact and was loved by many all over the world, we know that they truly appreciated everyone who called themselves a fan.
To honor their legacy we will continue to maintain their back catalog online, and all proceeds from their releases will be donated to The Trevor Project. This includes a final, yet to be announced release we had already scheduled for July.
We must also kindly request that you respect the privacy of their close friends and loved ones during this difficult and emotional time.
If you or someone you know is experiencing suicidal thoughts or ideations, please call or text 988 (in the USA) or contact your local suicide prevention helplines. Please know that people out there care about you and want to help.